Concept to ‘Crate: Little Blighted Peep




For years, I have been trying to figure out how to get some raek pups into a sculpt and have been unsuccessful. After pitching several ideas, I was pleasantly surprised when a MiniCrate brainstorming session resulted in the Bo Peep version of a Legion Shepherd. While I cannot recall who made this specific suggestion, it accomplished two things for me personally: first, I got to make my baby raek, and second, I finally got my fury management for my Legion Brawlmachine list from a month ago!

Going into this sculpt, I had a pretty good plan in place from years of sculpting Legion of Everblight. The biggest challenge was going to be making the little raek she’s holding have the character I knew it needed—and that was going to be even more of a challenge given that it had no eyes to show emotion.

So, off we go!

I started out roughing in shapes and laying things out, and the model started taking shape pretty quickly.

The raek on the base went through a few reviews that included little things like arching its back. Originally, it was going to be pressed into the skirt more, and we wanted to give it a little more space, which you will see in the end result. Further, we still had to add details and clean things up a bit…

Next came what, in my opinion, is the most important feature of the entire model: the baby raek! I knew I wanted players to feel the love between the baby and the shepherd, and in the end, I feel like it was a solid success—the little guy loves nothing more than their time together, and it shows in that toothy grin.

With the little guy done, it was all about minor details and finishing touches. And thus finally, behold!  Oh, and remember that production and engineering always make tweaks as needed for casting and such…but I imagine that adorable raek will be just as adorable/horrible when the final model makes it to your table!

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