Megaton Mix & Mashup Week 4: Globbicus



Time to wrap up this series with one of my favorite monsters, Globbicus. You can catch up on scenarios for Incinerus, Gorghadra  and Sky Sentinel from my previous Insiders. This was actually the first scenario I wrote, but it’s also one of the most technical, so I saved it for last.

Also included in this week is rules for using Globbicus as a normal Villain or playing with them yourself. The Megaton Mashup rules kind of work for Globbicus, but there’s a lot of weirdness going on, so I wanted to clear it all up.

Playing Globbicus in Megaton Mashup

The Villain as Globbicus

  • Both of the Villain Globbicus monsters must be destroyed to win.

Villain Health

  • Extra Villain health is applied to the alpha form and to each of the hyper forms. A good number to set the extra health at is 4.

Villain Activation

  • If  both of the Villain Globbicus models are in play when they activate, the Globbicus closest to the target monster follows the card.
  • If both of the Villain Globbicus models are in play and the Bully card is drawn, the Globbicus closest to any unit follows the card.
  • Finally, if both of the Villain Globbicus models are in play when they activate and a card is drawn with no monster target (other than Bully), the player with the #1 token decides which Globbicus follows the card.


  • When resolving the Bifurcate trigger, the new Globbicus cannot be placed in a hazard unless no other spaces are available. When you put the second Globbicus model into play, it must be placed in the spaces containing the most units. Units in the spaces Globbicus is placed in are destroyed. If Bifurcate triggers during the Villain activation, the original Globbicus model continues to follow the instructions of all cards drawn that turn.

Players Using Globbicus

  • The players only lose the game from a Globbicus being destroyed if both Globbicus monsters owned by one player are destroyed.
  • The Villain treats all players’ Globbicus models as normal monsters—the Villain will just have three or more potential targets instead of two. The player with the #1 token still chooses the target of the Villain when more than one monster matches the target monster rule. However, when a player makes that decision, they may only choose from among the monsters that meet the targeting requirement.

If any of you have already tried to play with Globbicus in Megaton Mashup, you may likely have come up with similar rules. Hopefully, this will provide clarity to anyone who wanted to use Globbicus but found the entire idea a headache.

Many of you won’t be surprised to find out that the Globbicus scenario I created uses the Minion rules I introduced with Sky Sentinel last week; however, to make everything a bit easier, I will include those rules here, too.


  • Minions are units spawned throughout the game by a Villain’s special rules.

Minions and Players

  • Players may not place Minions on hazards or impassable terrain unless that Minion could end an advance in that space without being destroyed.
  • Minions are always considered enemy units by the players’ models, and Minions consider all models controlled by the players to be enemy models.

Minions and the Villain

  • Minions are considered allied Faction units to the Villain and other Minions. Note that Villain cards and the Megaton Mashup Villain rules refer to any units (allied and enemy) in their description.
  • The Villain will generally completely ignore the presence of a Minion model for the purposes of Ultimate Destruction unless the Minion’s or Villain’s special rules cause the Villain to consider the Minions as units.
  • When a Villain advances into a space with a Minion, the Minion is destroyed like normal.

Minion Limit

  • There may never be more than 10 Minions on the map at any time.

So, who’s ready to see Globbicus constantly shed and absorb Toxxos? Ever wanted to get thrown into several Toxxos because it seems like fun? Well I got you covered with…

Blobs, Blobs, Everywhere


  • This scenario uses Globbicus as the Villain. Globbicus starts with 4 extra health on the bonus health card. Globbicus uses Toxxos as Minions.

Minion Special Rules

Minion Spawning

  • Whenever Globbicus destroys an enemy unit with an attack, the enemy unit is replaced with a Minion after the attack is resolved.
  • Whenever Globbicus suffers 1 or more damage from an attack, place a Minion base-to-base with Globbicus after the attack is resolved.
  • Whenever Globbicus advances, it considers Minions as units and attempts to advance over as many as possible while still achieving the normal list of requirements for Villain movement.
  • When the first Globbicus is destroyed, instead of putting one Minion base-to-base with it for suffering damage, replace Globbicus with four Minions, one in each space Globbicus occupied. Minions are not placed in spaces containing impassable terrain or hazards.
  • When resolving the Bifurcate or Tantrum triggers, completely resolve the ability before putting a Minion into play from any attack that triggered Bifurcate or Tantrum.

Globbicus and Minions

  • Globbicus regains 1 health for each Minion it destroys while advancing or rampaging.
  • Globbicus considers Minions as units when resolving the Wicked Backspin, Beat Back, or Hurt Locker cards or when resolving the Rampages from the All-Out Attack or Bull Rush cards. When resolving a Wicked Backspin card, Globbicus selects a Minion as its first target if possible, and if a Minion is the first target, the resulting Swat deals super damage.
  • When Tantrum is triggered, Globbicus moves up to two spaces to achieve Ultimate Destruction. During this movement, Globbicus never enters a hazard. Globbicus considers Minions to be enemy units when resolving Tantrum. Globbicus regains 1 health for each Minion it returns to the reserves with the Tantrum ability.

This scenario has a lot of really fun interactions that can happen. One time, I killed a Globbicus with a brawl attack since I was too low on Power Dice to make a power attack. The four Toxxos were spawned, then the other Globbicus decided it was the perfect time to draw a Beat Back card. My monster got shoved into four Toxxos, resulting in 5 damage, resulting in me losing.

Well, that’s it for Megaton Mix & Mashup. If you liked this series, I suggest making some of your own scenarios—I had an absolute blast making these scenarios, and I suspect a few of you will, too. Pick up Megaton Mashup and Globbicus, both available now.

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