

by John Swinkels

One extremely jet-lagged super-nap later, and it’s time to recap the experience of my second year of having the privilege to attend the WARMACHINE WTC (World Team Championships).

The WTC is not a Privateer Press event—instead, it’s an amazing effort put on by the community and their chosen committee members engaged in a tremendous amount of prep and execution, culminating in a competitive event unlike any other I’ve attended.

Players get their lists together, collaborate in five-person teams, and set up their strategies all while planning a trip to generally once-in-a-lifetime locations (thus far, all across Europe). With all that energy spent on getting their head in the game (let alone getting TO the game), you’d expect heated matchups and high-stakes play.

And you DO get that. However, you also see the absolute definition of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and the key word of my trip: community. People are here to win games, but above that they’re here to PLAY games in a beautiful environment that for many is far from home. It’s become clear this is a chance to meet old friends, make new ones, and share meals and some excellent games with a group of people who all share the same passion for this game we love.

The discussions I had throughout the weekend, as well as the games and paint jobs I was fortunate enough to witness, will stay with me as a most welcome reminder of what I love about this hobby. I am lucky to have been able to attend, and I am privileged to bring that energy back to my colleagues at home.

The players who bring that energy back home and in return renew it at the event itself are the reason we created the Torchbearer Award. So, Doug Hamilton and I were honored to present that award to Team Spain Rogue this year. We also had a special individual Torchbearer Award to present to Helge Christensen for his phenomenal efforts as witnessed by his local players in Denmark in sharing his passion and love of the game.

I also can’t overstate how much energy and resources Gil Surepi (this year’s host),  the committee, and the various judges and support staff brought to bear to make this event what it is. I continue to be amazed with the results of those efforts (as well as sympathetic to the struggles of putting on such an impressive event).

I have been delighted to be able to attend the last two years, and I hope to continue to do so whenever possible in the future. Congratulations to the committee on an amazing event, and I look forward to next year!

Stay tuned for more from Doug regarding those paint jobs and more!

Community, Conventions, Hobby, Insider, MkIV, News, Organized Play, Steamroller, Thank You, WARMACHINE
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Painting the Sky Raider and Sky Bomber
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WTC 2023 Best Painted

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