Brawlmachine Staff List: Children of the Dragon



Whaaaaaat?? Brawlmachine is not even “official,” so how can I write about that?

Oh, real easily!

I appreciate the work the Line of Sight guys do for the games we at Privateer Press produce—not only do they provide insightful content, but they also came up with a small-scale format called Brawlmachine. As a gamer with a skirmish background, I’m especially drawn to this format; it lets me revisit my glory days of gaming with a smaller model count. I also enjoy chatting with the LoS guys, especially Jaden about painting, list making, and tactics. In fact, I even bounced my Brawlmachine list off of him to see what he thought!So, what kind of Brawlmachine list would Doug Hamilton make? Well Legion or Retribution are the most likely candidates, as I’ve probably done more models for those Factions than any other (yes, yes, I see you, Cryx). Both of these Factions offer a lot of my favorite models, so I really can’t go wrong, though I did want to pick one of them, despite the format allowing me to easily make lists for multiple armies and even multiple ’casters!

For this first version I went with Legion of Everblight. The opportunity to use some of my favorite models in a small-scale game was ultimately the deciding factor, though now I am thinking about the joys of Imperatus and company in a list. Alas, it remains Legion, and I have a nice list put together. So, without further ado, I present my…

Children of the Dragon.

Catchy name right? But there’s just a little extra meaning behind this one. I can explain it, if you didn’t already figure it out. These are LITERALLY my children in a way, as every model in my list has been a sculpt that I had the privilege of working on.

So, this force will be led by the newly revised Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight. I’ve always liked Kryssa and had some decent games with her but was quick to move on to different warlocks. But now, her new spell list, along with her Rage of the Dragon feat, really crank up the hitting power of my list.

Her battle group is a simple one, and anyone who knows me knows I love my boys Azrael and Zuriel. They both make this list and together are 95% of the reason I went this route. Azrael is my ranged firestarter; Zuriel, my fire-breathing ninja beast.

I didn’t need anything after this, but still had some point to spare.

With my Requisition choice, I took the Virtue Champion, one of the newest Legion releases.

Along with the Virtue Champion I wanted to include the Virtue Host—it gives me a good reason to put them on the paint table.

Next, I took the sometimes-forgotten Craelix, Fang of Everblight, another fun sculpt and a versatile game piece. I like that he can take out infantry with a RoF 3 Nyss Longbow or soften targets up with a debuff. A lot of variety there.

Yssylla makes my list! Puppet Master is so good and just one of her three spell options. I had originally added the Blighted Warlord, but after chatting with Jaden, I decided to give her a shot (though I still think the Warlord under Kryssa’s feat would be gold). Just the same, an easy swap, if need be.

Lastly, I have a Blighted Nyss Shepherd for obvious reasons—she can help with fury or heal, and those little things can really mean a lot at lower-point levels where I want to keep my warbeast brothers running.

What’s that? I didn’t sculpt the Blight Nyss Shepherd? She was before my time at Privateer?

You…you may have a point there.


Let me ask you this: do you subscribe to MiniCrate? Because if you do—and I do—then you know that this list is, in fact, composed of all models I have worked on! And so why are you looking at me like that? I’ve been talking about doing an alt Shepherd with raek pups for nearly a decade now.

Okay, okay, okay—how about I share some art? This concept is one that I am starting very soon for release later this year. I will definitely share more details as they become available. But in the meantime, I can assure you I am super pumped to work on this.

Mmm, raek puppies! Enjoy the thought!

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