Happy Thanksgiving from the Privateer Press Studio



Thanksgiving is here, and if you’re like us here at Privateer Press HQ, today is all about turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and football. Honestly, it doesn’t get much better than that, if you ask me.

Well, no one did ask me, but if they did, I would tell them that it does get better than that. Thanksgiving is also about taking the day to reflect on what we’re thankful for, and what am I thankful for?

New paints.

We already announced earlier this year that we would be releasing two dozen new paints for the Formula P3 line, and since then, miniature painters and hobbyists have been rabid for more information regarding what’s coming.

If you missed the announcement you can find it here, but the “too long; didn’t watch” version is that the gobbers have been hard at work in the Privateer Press Paint Laboratories churning out all sorts of new shades of paint, and next year we’ll be expanding the line with 24 new colors. We showed off six of the new colors at the announcement:

Sul Red

Basilisk Brown

Soul Stalker Ink

Illuminated Gold

Royal Violet

Caspian Blue

We also hinted at some other new colors, such as hot pink (called Troll Tongue), but I’m not just here to talk about the new paints you already know about, I also want to talk about new new paints. So enough with the teasing—here’s a look at the paint line as we expand it:

Note: Hoksune Red has been renamed Amethyst Rose since the creation of the line.

Some of the new paints in our line have already existed as recipes we use regularly in the studio, such as Tharn Flesh and Retribution White, but they’ll allow newer painters and hobbyists to more accurately re-create the studio paint schemes. There are also some exciting new metallic and semi-metallic paints coming, such as Carbon Steel, Copper Pipe (both of which are semi-metallics), and Spectral Steel (which is more of a pearlescent white, but we’ll call it a metallic).

In addition to new shades, metallics and semi-metallics, inks and washes, we’re releasing a handful of new paints unlike any other we’ve put out: Ancient Rust and Field Rust are uniquely formulated wet paints that not only create the look of rust, but the feel of it as well, and Blood of Kings is (you guessed it) a blood effect that keeps its crimson, wet look even after it has dried. (Note, though, that a few of these might not be released in 2020, as they’re still being tested, but we remain both hopeful and thankful.)

That’s about all I have time for—if I don’t get in line for some dessert, it’ll all be gone before I get some. Hopefully, you enjoyed another look at the expanded paint line and have a happy Thanksgiving!

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