Hobby Hangout: Destroyed Monsterpocalypse Buildings



Hi guys! I was asked by a coworker to help him with a little side project: he asked me to destroy one of the buildings from Monsterpocalypse for something he wanted to do! I leaped at the opportunity because what could be more fun than taking a beautiful resin model and hitting it with a bunch of dangerous power tools. I will tell you! NOTHING!! Here is a quick rundown on how I did it.

I begin by taking the building to the bandsaw and cutting chunks away from it. I am using a piece of black foam core and some double sided tape to stabilize the building while cutting. Always remember safety first!

Using a combination of a drill to drill out a bunch of holes helping to remove material quickly, and my rotary tool with a carbide bit to shape things further, I remove the interior of the building and begin to carve it to shape. I will use my P3 hobby clippers and my hobby knife to add finer details and breaks after this.

Using my hobby clippers, I take some of the scraps leftover from cutting the building on the bandsaw and gouge at them until they look wrecked and beaten as well. These can be used as embellishments on your bases. No reason to waste some good building chunks!

You can see the destroyed building and chunks of rubble here. This is an extremely fun process and can add a ton of character to your battlefield and models. Again just be sure to use caution when using the power tools. At this point I will hand these off to my coworker and he will add final details for his project.

Formula P3, Insider, Monsterpocalypse
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