[New] Website-in-Progress



Welcome to the new Privateer Press website! While it may seem a bit bare at the moment, that’s only because it’s a work-in-progress.

The new website has been in development for many months, but it’s a massive undertaking, particularly for a team concurrently working on other product-related projects all the time. We have years and years of content that needs to be brought over, scores of pages that have to be rebuilt, and a healthy amount of new functionality that needs to be built to create a site that stands up to modern standards.  The old site was antiquated by Web design standards, and to underscore that fact, a few weeks ago, it gave one final death rattle—and then just plain broke. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t fix that Frankenstein’s monster of a website. The code was ancient and out of date and couldn’t keep up as the rest of the world marched forward.

So, we plugged the holes where we could while the team working on the site scrambled to get the new project to a state at which we could at least be functional again while we continued to work on building out everything needed to complete the new website.

What you’ll find here is a mix of new and old. Some links will take you to pages that are still the old Frankenstein’s monster site, while other pages are glossy and new. In the coming weeks, we’ll replace the old stuff with cool new stuff, but it will take a bit of time. Think of it kind of like a beautiful butterfly crawling out of its cocoon in super-slow motion. Right now, you’re seeing just the tip of its wing!

All the stuff you need is still here: the model galleries, the card database, rules downloads, Lock & Load registration, and more.  And some pieces, like news and Insiders, are much easier to find, though the archived articles may not yet have their images linked, or there may be a dead end here or there. We’ll be rooting out any issues as we continue to chisel away at this project, one page at a time. We would have loved to launch the site in a 100% finished state, but when the old one gave up the ghost, we knew we’d have to make some compromises.

So, this is just a taste of what’s to come. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience as we continue to work on this new website project so we can provide a better online experience for everyone in the Privateer Press community that uses our online tools and resources. #slowmotionbutterfly

Matt Wilson
Chief Creative Officer
Privateer Press

Community, Company, HORDES, Iron Kingdoms, Monsterpocalypse, WARMACHINE
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