Winter Rampage Arrives Soon!



The next epic WARMACHINE narrative begins next month, and once again, this tale will be shaped by all of you! Just as Crossroads of Courage put Holden’s fate in your hand, this time the fate of Llael itself is under your control. The next season of Organized Play will encompass three events that are all tied into the “Stormbreak” storyline, the third installment of the Acts of War series detailing Cygnar’s efforts to liberate Llael from its Khadoran occupiers, with the player results from each event shaping the final outcome.

It all begins next month with Winter Rampage, the first chapter of our saga. The story begins in Llael during the dead of winter. The snow-covered fields outside of Riversmet are stained with soot and blood as an armored column of Crucible Guard forces march toward the city. The time of Llael’s liberation or the final fall of its Resistance is now. Will you join forces with Khador to maintain the Imperial occupation of Llael, or will you help free the tattered nation from the Motherland’s grasp? The choice is yours!

In Winter Rampage, you’ll choose to take the side of either the Invaders (Imperial forces) or Liberators (Resistance forces) as you play through a unique asymmetrical scenario with special terrain rules that represent battling across a frozen field in the midst of a snowstorm. Winter Rampage is a single-day event. Once you go home from playing your games, you’ll be able to report via email how well you performed and with which Factions.


Whether the Invaders or the Liberators are victorious in Winter Rampage will affect many of the rules and scenarios in 2019’s Spring league, Stormbreak, which is named after the overall narrative itself. In Stormbreak, players will join the Siege of Merwyn, a battle vital to Llael’s fate. Here, players will be able to once again join the Invaders or the Liberators, or choose their own side as Opportunists looking to profit from all this conflict. The results of Stormbreak will be reportable by players each week and will shape the rules for the grand finale event at Lock & Load GameFest 2019.

I’d like to say more about that big finale, but I don’t want to give away too much just yet. Trust me, you’ve never seen anything like this before. After the finale, the fate of Llael will be sealed…just in time for the Infernals to show up. Now, if you’re asking why the fate of Llael should matter to you, let me just say this: wars have causalities. It sure would be shame if some of our most prominent heroes died in the battle for Llael right before the arrival of the soul-collecting Infernals. I wonder how that might change things? 😉

Not only will the results of your games affect rules in each event, you’ll also be shaping the official fiction being written by the prolific Aeryn Rudel. This fiction will be available for free and released in multiple chapters that will begin in January and ultimately end after the Lock & Load finale event. You’ll see the first chapter available next month, just as Winter Rampage officially begins.

If you want to get a head start on planning a Winter Rampage event in your local area, the rules are available online today. Anyone can run a Winter Rampage, and if you are a retailer or approved game club, you can also purchase the official prize kits, which include some amazing Llaelese flag patches for all participants. Kits are available through distributors or our online store with an approved retailer or club account. Just as a reminder, the prize kits aren’t even visible unless you are logged into these accounts, so make sure your account is updated appropriately!

You’ll be hearing a lot more about the Stormbreak Saga between now and Lock & Load 2019, so prepare yourselves for what is going to be an unforgettable new chapter in the WARMACHINE & HORDES narrative. And don’t miss on out your chance to help shape the future starting next month with Winter Rampage!

News, Privateer Press Archive, WARMACHINE
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